Addressing the HARD ISSUES, for Global Justice, while there's still time......

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Location: 24 Yearsontha Rd, Inaute., Reforests of ULURUBA, Australia

New New intro! Might be back here, after 28 mionths putting up with Google's Illuminati cockheads not letting me transfer to another gmail address to login. Which is the reason I've not posting to Blogger much lately, having given more to Google Plus Conversations. And a loss of drive to write anything much about the issues I used to follow - politics, religion, social and cultural things. But these pages try go to globally important issues, which, to my chagrin, include my fateful life, of being set-up by BIG-cabals (freemasons, catholicism, and the illuminati), to play a false prophet. Nothing lasts forever. So I'm waiting for my last breath, patiently.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel? Chosen or Psychotic?

Hello Israel! You may like to know that the name of the missiles being fired at you has passed into generic language here - "KATOOSH!" now means "WIPE-OUT" or the more simple "BOOM!"

Otherwise, here's the latest appraisal from my Portal-big-P of the totally failed state we know as "Israel":

"Israelis", so-called, while having some rights to live in the Palestinian Territories, must concede that the "political model" Israel now is, is extreme in hubris and culture, and, as designed and imposed by the British around a century ago, is almost totally unsuitable to the local political environment.

So all Jews in Israel and in the funds-giver diaspora MUST reassess their unethical financial support for the militarist state.

The only option Israel now has, if it wants to avoid Armaggeddon, is first to send clear messages to ALL it's Neighbouring States; Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran et al, that a "New Model" has to be adopted by them also, for they too are far from Pure.

Don't be thinking "Jesus" or "Mohomet" or "Abraham"!

Think "Moses".

But never forget that the "golden calf tribe" Moses warned his People about, got in-on the act very early, perhaps even before Moses parlaid with the Pharaoh, and the g-c-t is very much running htings today.

Oh what a cheery note........


IF...., you want an expansion on this theory, come and get me..............


by Max Nichols Meredith
Nimbin. ULURUBA!
18th July 2006

'Tother day I heard the Local ABC news tell us that Telstra has decided to retrench, release or sack 43 "Field Technicians" from their "North Coast" regional operations.

Alas! Me thinks....? 'Ere's an opportunity!

So, I grabbed me pen, and this is what dribbled out the end.....

"Northern Rivers Telephony Incorporated"!

(O’ course, North Coasters would call their Local Company “North Coast Telephony Incorporated”)

I say, you Forty-three!? I'd reckon that right-now there's a few of you who are questioning your allegiances to Telstra, yes-no?

Hmmm..., If you all live roughly in the same region, and have a collection of skills and talents worth applying to the Best Possible Future, for your income, and for your grandkids, then why not COMBINE to form a "Local Telephony Co-Operative"?

Such a Local business telephony-NEEDS model, would operate on-the-basis of being free of having to interminably FOLLOW the trends of excessive corporate product "push-marketing", which entails constant updating of qualifications AND PRODUCTS (often on the dump after one battery-cycle), in a no-end-no-win situation for the techies (for forever "uptraining"), for the shop/business-owner, and usually for the customer as well (for their having to keep updating hardware etc, to maintain "service and parts availability", etc).

Of the North-Coast Telstra-"43" such an idea might appeal to 20, perhaps only 6-or-7? But even in 6-or-7 highly-trained ex-Telstra field technicians, there is a wealth of knowledge on telephony issues, and on state-of-the-art models, technology and products, which alone could be a strong Founding-seed for a Local, NEEDS-BASED Telephony/Internet/Televisual/etc/etc., Company.

(Admittedly of course, it could also be the seed for yet another ruthless tyrrannical corporation....... like Telstra!)

"Northern Rivers/North Coast Telephony Incorporated"


Focus: Co-Operative Company, with "Locals-Network": a Committee or Board of Locals establishing "Northern Rivers/North Coast Counter-Culture Infrastructure Model" which considers to the hardcopy-plan stage, the region's infrastructure needs when affecting or being affected-by a "Local Telephony/Internet" organism such-as the model loosely detailed herein.

Design of business and market around the needs and wanted-products (also in terms of possible energy supply from the customer/networks) of Community Groups, particularly of the "Multiple Occupancy", "Small Business Co-Operative" and small-or-large "Co-Operative Farming" structures. Etcetera....

Focus: NEEDS-BASED Local Telephony/Internet/etc., service and product-provision-and-support company, but designed to Work in Co-Operation with "Alternative", classicly "Northern Rivers, Rainbow Region-types" of Co-Operative Communities - "AGRARIAN" Communities, Networks, Groups, according to their requirements.

I feel sure that today an inquiry would find more and more people, particularly from rural and regional areas are awake to the "con" of modern-technology and it's marketing juggernautssss, and that in fact they DO NOT need OR WANT 99% of what is constantly thrust down their throats to "BUY!", on televerts etc.

Rural and regional Australia may well be the last bastion of a relatively, even Reasonably "Peaceful" or "Tranquil" Human life, and I feel, many People "out there" would prefer to have the option of rejecting the "modern" fancy, throw-away techno-junk for some of the older, tried-and-true, "perfectly suitable to our needs" type of telephonic and internet bits-and-pieces.

Older internet hardware and software isn't old enough yet, so state-of-the-art may well have it's place. However, I wonder how far we have to go in things like the storage media technology. CD-ROMs are dated and flawed, one of the many furphies flogged to us. "Memory-sticks" maybe "the best yet" in storage, but what awaits us around the next "new-releases edition"?

It begs the question of whether there is a market in the making, maintenance and retailing of durable products for such markets, which don't need to be updated bi-yearly, yet which provide what the Human needs and wants, affordably and with a Conscience?

With the Proper Planning and Management, there is an immense market for the talented-and-enterprising, but this time, with this type of model, I dare to say that such as seven-or-forty-three talented-and-skilled Telstra field technicians, plus the right-minded Locals with the Appropriate business-and-other-accumen, the employed and served (the Workers and the Customers) would have control over these types of needs, and know that they are running THE BEST-PRACTICE BUSINESS MODEL - Ethical.

"Agrarian" might seem to be beside the point, but also might indicate what "potential market" awaits further-afield in regional Australia, if this can evolve as a "Trend-setting" model.

In grabbing any "market", the first-kid-on-the-block with a Good, new idea/product, has an HUGE advantage over later-comers, and can thus "increase thine profit" by selling your accrued knowledge on other regions starting the same type of venture.

FINANCE? Start “Minimalist”. Immediately begin to gather all necessary info, market knowledge, laws, business plan options, capital-and-infrastructure assessment and costs.

Define PRIORITIES into “folios”. Elect by “Skills and Talents” three members to each folio, aligning where pertinent one person on two or more folio-trios.

The “Governing Board” of the company, being a Co-Operative, would be an ALL-MEMBER board, (which could be classically “interesting” in terms of past experience in Community Committees….?) with trusted non-member advisors.

It’s important to “Set Your TOP GOAL”, and to be able to clearly define it, AND refer to it when planning considerations hit a wall. Never to say however, “stick with ONE PLAN”. Everything today is flexible, especially in business futures, where it is a must to-be-flexible yourself. So too must the plan be flexible, which may be a tautology?

The TOP GOAL would be, seemstomeee…, to Attain to the most Efficient-thus-Economical (for All Parties), most Sustainable, “State-of-the-Art-WITH-NEED Telephony-Internet Service (and whichever “ancillary” services and products are found to have a place).

Is it time for a Region, or a whole motley-bunch of Rural Communities WORLDWIDE, to say “HANG-ON” (or “hang-up”?) to the unconsidered, unrestrained perpetual motion of “technology and inventiveness”?

Maybe, with six, seven, twenty or forty-three unemployed field technicians, an Intelligent and Wise Community, Region or Paradisical River Valley, Working Co-Operatively on this general concept, could FINALLY appeal to the Customers with what THE CUSTOMERS want, and need? Such a company might find many new customers coming out of the forests and woodwork, as well as from the smelly-cities?

As I max no difference, I put this idea out to the Ether for whoever has eyes for a magnificent opportunity....... It would be nice to see someone or many from Nimbin to have a look at the concept, unemployed field techies or not.....


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's coming...., it's coming!
If I manage survival over the next few...., I'll start posting articles duggup from my own scribblings addressing directly, LAND and LABOUR, on a GLOBAL scale, as much as I reckon (and am time-permitted to address) needs addressing on current and historical issues of LAND TENURE, LAND RENT FOR GOVERNMENT REVENUE, IMMIGRATION NUMBERS FOR AUSTRALIA, GLOBAL MIGRATION, CLOSING ALL less-than-high-security PRISONS, etc.
At present, you can click-on the blogsite, then to the search window at the top-left-corner of screen, type in whichever issue you're looking for mymymy opinions on, and you'll be given a "Hit-List".

(Wanna be a "Sponsor???)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

LAND and LABOR - GLOBAL First Blog!

About three years in the thinking...., this new Blogsite addresses the increasing disparities across the planet, by firing arrows directly at the source of Human misery - disparate land and labour distribution.

As time passes, I'll be adding contemporary comments by myself on this issue, and as time permits, I'll be dredging-up old articles, flyers and missives, all "firey arrows" which have over the last four thousand years-plus gone to the Heart of the Sojourn of bipedal buffoons (Humanity) on Hertha, Our Most Precious "Mother Earth".

If'n' y' have hit this blogsite and want MORE (er... SOMETHING?) on Land and Labor Global (L.L.G.) first you'll have to go to the Max No Difference Blogsite at, then type relevent words to the topic in the "search this blog" box up-top-of-page, for example: "Land reform" "Land Rent", etc, and you'll be well satisfied with the links you'll find...

Until time permits.....

Happy Revolting!