Addressing the HARD ISSUES, for Global Justice, while there's still time......

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Location: 24 Yearsontha Rd, Inaute., Reforests of ULURUBA, Australia

New New intro! Might be back here, after 28 mionths putting up with Google's Illuminati cockheads not letting me transfer to another gmail address to login. Which is the reason I've not posting to Blogger much lately, having given more to Google Plus Conversations. And a loss of drive to write anything much about the issues I used to follow - politics, religion, social and cultural things. But these pages try go to globally important issues, which, to my chagrin, include my fateful life, of being set-up by BIG-cabals (freemasons, catholicism, and the illuminati), to play a false prophet. Nothing lasts forever. So I'm waiting for my last breath, patiently.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

LAND and LABOR - GLOBAL First Blog!

About three years in the thinking...., this new Blogsite addresses the increasing disparities across the planet, by firing arrows directly at the source of Human misery - disparate land and labour distribution.

As time passes, I'll be adding contemporary comments by myself on this issue, and as time permits, I'll be dredging-up old articles, flyers and missives, all "firey arrows" which have over the last four thousand years-plus gone to the Heart of the Sojourn of bipedal buffoons (Humanity) on Hertha, Our Most Precious "Mother Earth".

If'n' y' have hit this blogsite and want MORE (er... SOMETHING?) on Land and Labor Global (L.L.G.) first you'll have to go to the Max No Difference Blogsite at, then type relevent words to the topic in the "search this blog" box up-top-of-page, for example: "Land reform" "Land Rent", etc, and you'll be well satisfied with the links you'll find...

Until time permits.....

Happy Revolting!